martes, abril 22, 2008

A ver, bola de nerds, hagan el Music Intelligence Quiz de emusic y luego me cuentan.

Yo soy una Birthday Party DJ (psss... eso explica mi actitud impertinente en las fiestas).
You are a rabid consumer of music. You get a rush every time you hear something new but remain faithful to those artists you love. Your music collection represents who you are and what you care about and your home may even bear the tell-tale signs of your affections – posters, old band t-shirts and the odd music biography. But you aren't a completist, you know what you like and make sure you have it. Simple as that. To expand your repertoire, perhaps there are some genres that you'd benefit from giving a little more attention to – perhaps now is the time to hear something new or get hold of that missing album from your collection.

3 comentarios:

Abogadete!. dijo...

Ja!, esta poca madre el “Pop Quiz”… y que caray, confirme mi espíritu tira-netas pues califique como:

Your final score was 111/180

Mix-Tape Master (109-144 points)
You are a music evangelist: the person in your network of friends who always has the coolest new song, the one whose iPod gets picked to DJ every party. You understand the art of the segue, how the key to the best mix-tape isn't just the songs you pick, but how they interlock with each other. You also know who the up-and-coming acts are and are quick to recognise where their influences lie and whether they will make it big. You work hard at the pursuit of this knowledge, scouring music blogs, magazines and record stores. Most importantly, you are generous with your passion – and your friends should be very, very grateful. Still, it’s always good to get new inspiration for your latest mix.

Paquita María Sánchez dijo...

Jajaja. Sabía que no te resistirías a este quiz. Y bueno, sabía también que tu ímpetu tiranetas te dejaría en buena posición. besos.

Anónimo dijo...

Jajajaja patetico!!!

Saludos... Anuar

Your final score was 60/180

Air Guitarist (36-72 points)
Music, you believe, isn't so much about knowledge as it is about feeling. Sure, someone might be able to rattle off the recording dates for every Johnny Cash Sun session – so what? That's just academic. Music is your soundtrack to everything: your drive home from work, morning jog and Sunday lunch. However, you'll be the first to admit you aren't very good at going out and discovering new acts and aren't susceptible to the hype, "just gimme the good stuff," we hear you cry. After all, not everyone’s a music expert – if only someone could make some recommendations to help you out.