martes, diciembre 05, 2006

Amo y respeto a Inglaterra. Profundamente. Pero en esta única y especial ocasión, me dio gusto que no haya salido vencedora. Yeeeahh! Después de un año de arrogancia, la pregunta se debe hacer de nuevo: Who's got the ashes?

Viva Oz!

2 comentarios:

nevilito dijo...

si. who's got the ashes now baby?

what is written is not true, the australian cricket team is the most obnoxious sporting team ever.from sledging to whinging they are champion. but they are very good.and england are very one winmeant carnival.
australian sports teams are universally disliked for their arrogance.this from irishman.
theonly teams an irish rugby crowd had booed are the australians and south africans
australians take arrogance to a different level.
but we love Shane Warne.
good try jamie

nevilito dijo...

london will remember this treachery Cortes!